- Michael Phelps getting 8 Golds in one games with 7 world records. That means that to break that record you would need to win 9 Gold medals... it's not possible is it? I don't think so. I think this is the greatest accomplishment in sports history... sorry Lance.
- Talking about exploitation. It sure didn't take NBC long to cash in on Phelps making history. Before Lezak was even out of the pool they flashed the website to where you can purchase the DVD. As far as business is concerned, yes there's no better time to do it but somehow it just doesn't embody the Olympic spirit.
- A 100 meter run at 9.69 that could have been in the 9.5's... that's 30 mph! The dude is 6'5". Bill Parcells better be on the phone! There has to be a point where physics or biomechanics or something kicks in to where a human cannot possibly run faster in.... doesn't there?
- The Romanian marathon runner wins easily at 38. Lezak swam like porpoise at 32. Dana Torres misses a Gold by a fingernail... literally... at 41. There are numerous other as well but has anybody noticed the number of Olympic athletes that are winning medals well into their 30's and in Dana Torres' case into their 40's? I think that alone speaks of volumes for training and literally changes the conventional wisdom of what was once thought to be that even your late 20's in Olympic hospice. I feel like there's a story, a segment, a documentary or something that should be done on this. Is there a Documentary out there that discusses the evolution of the Olympic games and it's athletes? There must be but if there isn't there absolutely should be. How great would it be to do the research on that and get paid?!
- Not to rip Andrea Kremer again but she deserves it. After doing this many interviews with relay teams why does she still ask a question and then shove the microphone into the middle creating an awkward moment where all the athletes just look back and forth at each other wondering if the other will answer? It was unfortunate that Soni didn't get to say anything and she kept the mic on Torres and Coughlin. It could easily be avoided by her getting the lesser stars their chance with her first question directed to the 2 lesser stars and then focus on the bigger stars to close the interview. It's seems so simple. I don't know why this bother me so damn much but I think it sucks that Soni was barely even in the frame. It's the Olympics... she deserved that much.
- I was unable to watch the games last night so I TiVO'd and watched them early this morning. Guess where my TIVO cut off at? Right when Bob Costas was about to interview Phelps! God that sucks! So I have yet to see it but I'm sure I will catch it today. How many Medals are possible for him in 4 years? His program will be far less but you never know...
83rd Academy Awards
Just so I'm time stamped and on record here are my Oscar Nomination
Black Swan
The Fighter
The Kids are All Right
14 years ago
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