... that Cris Collinsworth is doing segments for the Olympics. Even weirder than that is he is actually coming off as genuine, having the time of his life and dare I say likeable... weird for a Gator. Although telling Alicia Sacramone that he understands her pain because he lost 2 Superbowls is like me telling him that I know what it's like running out of the tunnel for a Superbowl because I played WR in North Dakota. It's just not the same is it?
... that Alicia Sacramone will actually be remembered for years, not for her successes, but rather for her heartbreaking failures. Especially after seemingly being unfairly robbed of a Bronze medal in the Vault. I loved seeing how freaking pissed off, determined and competitive she looked after falling off the beam on her mount. So nice to see that fire, obviously dejected as well, but to see a female gymnast not pretending like it was ok was great. I'll remember that moment. (Interesting side note is that she is 2nd in hits on nbcolympics.com to Phelps.)
... that the Jamaican sprinters both male and female are THIS dominant! Where the hell did that come from?
... that there is an, OF AGE, gymnast that I wouldn't touch for all the tea in China. That 33 year old, although a great story, is just plain, well, not a super model.
... how unbelievably well the Shawn Johnson handles pressure and and how articulate and humble she is for a 16 year old super star. Regardless of the situation she still has such an adorable smile and attitude as if she gets it and doesn't hinge her whole legacy as a person on it... unlike say, Nastia Luikin. If she loses... she might jump.
... that Nastia Luikin's dad is soooo damn controlling. It's kinda creepy... I get the feeling she's tortured for anything less than perfect. He makes David Archuleta's dad look like Charles Ingalls.
... that the poor girl from Russian got screwed on her Vault for leaving to early. Come the fuck on... that's about as stupid as having to sign your card after a golf match in a private room. What the hell does that have to due with the result? Poor girl... she knows the rules but it still makes you feel for her.
... that the Russians and Romanians are no longer relative, or even a threat, in the Olympics and gymnastics in particular. (Ok, I typed that prior to the Romanian winning Gold on the Floor.... figures. Jinxed the poor girl.)
... that the simple twirl the gymnastic girls do gives them so many problems... it looks like it's the easiest thing they do by far.
... that every damn team hugs each other after a routine. That's just bizarre to me.
... that I'm the only one blogging. Can someone sponsor me so all I have to do is research and blog 24/7?
83rd Academy Awards
Just so I'm time stamped and on record here are my Oscar Nomination
Black Swan
The Fighter
The Kids are All Right
14 years ago
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